Artist Talk – On Smeller, University of applied arts Vienna, 5 December 2013

Open Lecture by Wolfgang Georgsdorf:
The „Smeller“-project: time-based sequences of scents and smells

Wolfgang Georgsdorf on the „Smeller“-project:
Scentscapes, Soundscapes – Smellodies – the collective experience of dramatic olfactory poetry and semantic scent sequences.
Multi-sensory presentation space. Digital recording and rendition of scent sequences. Webcast of smells and scents.
Kickoff of a paradigm: introduction of time-based olfactory composing to performing and fine arts.

Thursday, 5th December 2013, 2-3pm
University of applied arts Vienna
Department of Digital Arts
Expositur Sterngasse 13
1010 Vienna

CAD: Robert-Schmitz-Michels 2011


Smeller 2 Olfaktorium Installation View


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