Sponsors & Partners

Experts and companies from different disciplines and trades have collaborated to realise the project Smeller 2.0. Without their support, know-how and products, this project would not have been possible. Our partners, the exhibition coordinators and my team, all deserve our greatest thanks:
MDT-tex, Innovationstreiber in textiler Architektur schafft mit seiner raumbildenden Gewebe-Struktur einen olfaktorischen Mikrokosmos für den Smeller 2.0. Durch das technische Know-How und sichere Gespür für Ästhetik gelingt MDT-tex die enge Verbindung zwischen Kunst und Architektur. Während Wolfgang Georgsdorf mit seinem Osmodrama und Smeller 2.0 einen Strom von Assoziationen fließen lässt, schafft MDT-tex Raum für diesen olfaktorischen Mikrokosmos – einer weiteren Welt ohne Außen.

The Smeller 2.0 project was a source of inspiration for us from the moment we first came into contact with it. The installation with our premium noise-insulated pipe system POLO-KAL NG is evidence of the harmonious interplay of creativity and hi-tech performance. It is this synergy that drives the market-oriented innovation culture of POLOPLAST and accounts to an eminent degree for its success. In addition to its classic field of application as a noise-insulated above-ground drainage pipe, POLO-KAL NG is also ideally suited for modern controlled dwelling ventilation systems. Given these basic facts, the thematic parallels between controlled air renewal in a domestic context and the controlled composition of smells immediately struck a chord with us.
Wolfgang Lux, General Manager POLOPLAST GmbH & Co KG about Smeller